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Few dare trespass in the Aurifier's domain...
Ens the Aurifier is unaffected by Spells and abilities. (He can still be damaged by them.)
Whenever Ens the Aurifier kills a Companion search the side deck for a Gold Effigy Companion and put it into play.
8 Attack (A) / 8 Health (H)
Level 7
Ens the Aurifier
Related Cards
Frequently Asked Questions
Ens the Aurifier is unaffected by ALL Spells and abilities, not just ones that target him, whether they be enemy or allied.
Spells and abilities that deal damage still function as normal, just the other effects are ignored.
Being unaffected by Spells and abilities persists while in the graveyard as well, so it can't be targeted and brought back through effects like Grave Pact or Revive.
Being unaffected by Spells and abilities does NOT prevent it from being discarded through an effect like Agony or sacrificed through an effect like Helm of Altars or Reaper's Scythe.
The triggered ability can be negated by killing or removing the Companion from play before Ens the Aurifier gets the killing blow.
There is only one Gold Effigy in the side deck, so if it is already in play, and Ens the Aurifier kills a Companion, nothing happens.
Further questions? Email me at Hero@TalesoftheTomes.com