Card Name:
Card Cost:
Card Type:
Card Text:
Whenever your Hero deals damage to another Hero you may draw a card.
2M, Unequip: Look at target player's hand. (When you Unequip, shuffle this Equipment back into the deck.)
+2 Mana (M)
Level 2
Mind's Eye Gems
Related Cards
Frequently Asked Questions
The triggered ability will trigger off of ANY damage, not just combat damage.
Both abilities can be negated in response to their triggers by either destroying Mind's Eye Gems or removing it from the game.
If the active ability is negated in response to its activation, then you still have to pay the mana (M) cost.
The Equipment will not be shuffled back into the deck with the Unequip effect until after the ability resolves.
Further questions? Email me at Hero@TalesoftheTomes.com